Sunday, December 29, 2019

John Wesley, Protestantism, And The Testament Of The Bible...

John Wesley, Protestantism, and the Parallels to Process Theology. A commentary This paper is centered around Dr. Cobb’s essay, â€Å"Wesley the Process Theologian†, and matched with notes on John Wesley from Dr. Hughes lectures in Protestantism in the Modern World. Through the course of this paper, the concept of process theology will be discussed along with how John Wesley’s own thoughts and ideas compare to process theologies conceptions. Through comparing these two individual ideas, I will add my own insights and thoughts on the possibility of common ground between the two; from the view of an outsider whose own beliefs have been shaped considerably by my own experiences. Though I am in no way an authority on any of these subjects, I hope that my point of view will be enlightening. Along with this, I’ll strive to support many of my claims about God through scripture, regardless of man’s interpretation of the Bible, because it’s one of Christianity’s main sources of authority. Before diving into the main girth of this paper, it will be important to note at this point one crucial detail, which may sound counterproductive towards the concept behind this paper: John Wesley is not a process theologian. This is for a very practical reason, Wesley lived in the 18th century and Alfred North Whitehead, the developer of process theology, lived in the mid-19th to the 20th century. As commented on by Cobb in the beginning of his paper, â€Å"historical influence does not work backwards†Show MoreRelatedThe, Wesley The Process Theologian, And Matched With Notes On John Wesley Essay2010 Words   |  9 PagesThis paper is centered around Dr. Cobb’s essay, â€Å"Wesley the Process Theologian†, and matched with notes on John Wesley from Dr. Hughes lectures in Protestantism in the Modern World. Through the course of this paper, the concept of process theology will be discussed along with how John Wesley’s own thoughts and ideas compare to proces s theologies conceptions. 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Both Martin Luther and John Wesley shared the belief that Catholic faith had strayed from the truth as is seen in their respective quotes: I have sought nothing beyond reforming the Church in conformity with the Holy Scriptures. . . . . . . I simply say that Christianity has ceasedRead MoreIntroduction to Christian Thought Essay9122 Words   |  37 Pagesfamily 2. When was Christianity made Rome’s National Religion? 313 AD 3. What is the Incarnation? God becoming man and taking on flesh 4. Does the Bible states that Jesus was the creator of the world. Yes (John 1:3; Col. 1:16) 5. Did Jesus claim to have supernatural origins. Yes (John 16:28, 17:5) 6. Who Baptized Jesus? John the Baptist 7. Did Jesus allow people to worship him? Yes (Matt. 8:2, 14:33; Mark 5:6) Etzel Gutierrez: Introduction Chs. 1-5 1. Why doesRead More A Theological Perspective of the Clash of Civilizations Essay7154 Words   |  29 Pagespolicymakers.†5 Its central theme is virtually identical to that of his article, namely â€Å"that culture and cultural identities, which at Huntington is the Albert J. Weatherhead III University Professor at Harvard University where he is also the director of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies and the chairman of the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies. He was the director of security planning for the National Security Council in the Carter administration, the founder and co-editor of

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Stratification And Inequality Essay - 1497 Words

RESEARCH STATEMENT Qiong (Miranda) Wu I am a quantitative sociologist broadly interested in three areas: 1) stratification and inequality; 2) immigration and globalization, 3) work and labor markets. Specifically, I focus on examining how class structure and migration patterns contribute to social inequalities and labor market outcomes. Also, I work on the themes of immigration, work and occupations in the United States. I am particularly interested in examining these processes in the urban context. Stratification and Inequality Growing up in China during the economic transformation toward capitalism, my personal experience inspired me to understand the structures, dynamics, and mechanisms that underlie inequalities†¦show more content†¦While working on this paper, I saw the possibility to expand this line of research into a dissertation. Thus, my dissertation explores how the hukou stratification system and class structure help explain, in addition to earnings, the quality of workers’ housing and bad jobs in transitional China. In my dissertation, I analyze data from five waves of the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS)—a nationally representative survey of Chinese adult population—from 2008 and 2013. To incorporate different dimensions in the transformed hukou system, I propose a typology of hukou stratification that incorporates workers’ current place of residence, current hukou status, hukou conversion status, and migration status. Derived from Wright’s capitalist class scheme, I construct a 14-category class structure combining both the class structures of capitalism and two Chinese socialist remnant classes—cadres and peasants. I utilize two sets of dummy variables to measure hukou and class, and then use sheaf coefficients to estimate their cumulative effects relative to other determinants of workers’ earnings, housing outcomes and job quality. My preliminary findings indicate that the hukou system and class structure are strong determinants of work ers’ earnings, homeShow MoreRelatedSocial Stratification, Inequality and Slavery Essay976 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction and Background: Social stratification is the structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and powers in a society it includes slavery, castes, the estate system, and social classes. Social stratification can been seen necessary through a functionalist eyes due to the fact that it motivates people to accept all jobs required for the society to survive. Conflict theorists see stratification as a major source of societal tension and conflict,Read MoreThe Battle with Social Class773 Words   |  4 PagesSocial class is a system of social stratification, the hierarchy creates specific types of social inequalities. Social inequality refers to the existence of social inequalities created such as ownership, types of occupation that creates differences in wealth, income and power, while social stratification refers to the existence of social groups. Class can be arranged to economic factors such as income, education, wealth and other factors at work. Poverty remain s high and could argue that true povertyRead MoreStratification, Stratification And Social Structure Essay1413 Words   |  6 Pagessociologists called stratification. Stratification which divides people according to social structures refers to bigger areas of factor including gender, age, ethnicity, family lineage, economic and achievement. There are several characteristics of stratification (McLenna, et al 2007), firstly, stratification creates beliefs that reflect the social structure, which formed the second character. The beliefs access to the society like institutions and political groups. Lastly, stratification divides peopleRead MoreSocial Stratification According to Marx and Weber1163 Words   |  5 PagesSocial stratification is the hierarchical arrangement of individuals into divisions of power and wealth within a society. Social stratification relates to the socio-economic concept of class, consisting of the upper class, middle class, and lower class. Each class may be further subdivided into smaller classes through the main indicator is occupation. 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Along with how the inequality of valued resources impacts America as a wholeRead MoreSocial Stratification1589 Words   |  7 PagesASSESS THE APPLICABILITY OF THE CONFLICT THEORY IN EXPLAINING STRATIFICATION. ‘Stratification’ is a term used to characterize a structure of inequality where individuals occupy differentiated structural positions and the positions are situated in layers (or strata) that are ranked hierarchically according to broadly recognized standards .( Durlauf 1999) The conflict theory in relation to social stratification argues that stratification,†reflects the distribution of power in society and is thereforeRead MoreAn Insight Into Contemporary British And Indian Societies980 Words   |  4 PagesWith reference to contemporary Britain and one other society, explain ways in which the societies are held together through common cultures but are also unequal and divided. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Renaissance history Free Essays

â€Å"Renaissance is a term with a variety of meanings, but is used widely in discussion of European history. Renaissance originates from the Latin word â€Å"Rinascere† and refers to the act of being reborn. It is believed that during the time from about 1400AD to around 1600AD, Europe was reborn. We will write a custom essay sample on Renaissance history or any similar topic only for you Order Now Originally the term Renaissance only referred to the time when man rediscovered the knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans. However, modern historians have realized these rediscoveries were also crucial to the formation of modern culture. The term Renaissance is now used to indicate all the historical developments that have inspired the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of modern history. Thus, the term Renaissance has now taken on a more significant meaning: not only does the Renaissance mean the rebirth of knowledge, but also represents a step from the past and a leap towards the future. The Renaissance overlapped the end of a period in European history called the Middle Ages. During this time, the great accomplishments of the ancient Greeks and Romans had been largely, though not entirely forgotten. With the ending of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance great cultural movement arose. Beginning in Italy, the new Renaissance spirit spread to England, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain and other countries. In Italy during the 14th and 15th centuries certain scholars and historians began to display a remarkable new historical self-consciousness. They believed their own time was a new age, at once sharply different from the barbaric darkness which was imagined had occurred in the centuries before. They grew to believe that there was more to be discovered about mankind and the world, than medieval people had known. The Italians are very eager to rediscover what clever Greeks and Romans had known in ancient times, as well as making their own intelligent attempts to understand the world. This renewed interest in the world and in mankind is called Humanism. Humanism was the most significant intellectual movement of the Renaissance. Humanism during the Renaissance received its name from one of the earliest concerns of the humanists: the need of a new education curriculum that would empathize a group of subjects known collectively as the ‘Studia Humanitatis† involving grammar, history, poetry, ethics, and rhetoric. However, this new education curriculum conflicted directly with the traditional education, which involved logic, science and physics, and often sharp clashes occured between the two educators. However, more was at stake than the content of education. The traditional education was intended chiefly to prepare students for careers in medicine, law, and above all theology. To Renaissance humanists this seemed too narrow, too abstract and too exclusively intellectual. They proposed a system of education that centred on the general responsibilities of citizenship and social leadership. Humanities essential contribution to the modern world is not found in its concern with ancient knowledge, but in its new attitude of flexibility and openness to all the possibilities in life. With people receiving education-involving leadership, they began to gain more confidants. More people began to reject ideas about science put forward by the ancient Greeks and began to search for the truth. They realized that the Greeks† ideas were often intelligent, but also often wrong. Many people still did not want the old ideas disapproved, and threatened scientists to stop having new ideas. However, this did not stop many brilliant scientific inventions being produced at this time. A great scientist of the Renaissance was the Polish student Nicolaus Copernicus who developed the theory that the earth was a moving planet. He is considered the founder of modern astronomy. In Copernicus† time, most astronomers accepted the theory the Greek astronomer Ptolemy had formulated nearly 1400 years earlier. Ptolemy stated that the Earth was the centre of the universe and motionless. He also stated that all the observed motions of the heavenly bodies were real and that those bodies moved in complicated patterns around the Earth. As the church supported Ptolemy theory no one dared to challenge it until Copernicus. Copernicus believed Ptolemy†s theory was too complicated. He decided that the simplest and most systematic explanation was that every planet, including the Earth, revolved around the sun. The Earth also had to spin around its axis once every day. Copernicus couldn†t prove his theory, but his explanation of heavenly motion was mathematically strong and was less complicated than Ptolemy†s theory. The later work of later scientists such as Galileo Galilei helped to prove that Copernicus† theory was correct. Galileo was a Florentine physicist, philosopher, and inventor, whose name became the chief emblem of Renaissance science and of ensuing technological revolution. In 1609, he heard that the rulers of Florence and Venice were searching for someone who could invent an instrument that made distant objects appear closer. Galileo set to work to construct one, and within a few days he had finished, naming it a telescope. During the winter, he turned his telescope to the sky with startling results. He announced that the moon surface was quite similar to earth†s – irregular and mountainous; the Milky Way was made up of a host of stars; and the planet Jupiter is accompanied by at least four satellites. The electrifying effects of these discoveries were amazing. They showed the human senses could be aided artificially to discover new truths about nature, something that neither philosophy nor theology had previous contended with. However, most importantly Ptolemy†s astronomical theory was impossible. Galileo had proven Copernicus theory correct. Galileo had great importance upon the history of ideas. The Renaissance produced many important people who invented or theorized very important advances in history. They all became strong symbols of revolt against the forces of authority, whilst the Renaissance flourished with the power of question. The Renaissance period provided modern culture with a variety of advances in technology, art, science and most importantly it gave mankind confidence. The ancient civilizations, in particular the Greeks and Romans, laid the foundations for civilizations and the Renaissance added the most important ingredient; the ability to ask why. It is appropriate to use the label ‘Rebirth† to describe European history in the 15th and 16th centuries. How to cite Renaissance history, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Chemical and Biological Weapons free essay sample

A study of the use of chemical and biological weapons in war. This paper examines the use of chemical and biological weapons during World War II. It uses many academic sources with eyewitness accounts of the horrors of this type of warfare. It discusses the types of chemical weapons used, such as mustard gas and liquid chlorine. The author discusses the attempts of the international community to abstain from this type of inhumane warfare since World War II. All weapons cause damage, but what makes many chemical and biological materials so dangerous is the extent of the damage they can produce. These are weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Chemical and biological weapons are two of the three kinds of WMD, and nuclear weapons are the third type. Chemical warfare is the intentional use of toxic (poisonous) substances resulting in death or injury. World War I is universally considered the beginning of the era of significant use of chemical warfare due to the unique confluence of chemical science and military technology at the time. We will write a custom essay sample on Chemical and Biological Weapons or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page